INTERVIEW: Five Minutes with Max Herman, Head of Lending


Max Herman, Head of Lending at Lendhub since its inception in 2016, gives a five minute interview for NACFB's Commercial Broker Magazine.

Describe your role in ten words or less?

I help to make the lending machine run efficiently and productively.

How do you make a difference?

That’s assuming I do! Hard work and creativity usually help.

In your view what are the key elements to a successful deal?

Teamwork and collaboration between all stakeholders, from origination to credit, and between underwriters and professional partners such as lawyers, valuers, and monitoring surveyors.

What’s the most common reason for turning away a deal?

Typically, a borrower related reason. Insufficient experience or financial standing are the main ones.

If you were to start your own small business, what would it sell?

Toilet paper!

What is your favourite SME success story?

Lendhub, of course. I’ve been here since the beginning and I’m immensely proud of how quickly we’ve grown and the success we’ve had. Watch this space!

What advice do you have for the modern commercial finance broker?

Focus on understanding your clients and their businesses and integrate within their operations to become an extension of their business and offer true advice, as opposed to giving introductions. Positive referrals will follow!

What is your favourite piece of management/leadership advice?

Pain + reflection = progress.

What changes do you hope to see in the 'new normal'?

Less congested tube journeys.

Which person has inspired you the most?

A shout out to my old bosses from Mint Bridging, Sinead and Andrew!

What was the last great book you read?

Principles by Ray Dalio. I am currently reading Guns, Germs and Steel whilst writing this on the plane.

What law would you pass if you were Prime Minister for the day?

Some sort of additional income tax to be solely used for philanthropic purposes.

Where is your favourite place in the world?

The office on a Monday morning… just kidding. Anywhere by a beach or pool with a cold drink!

What is the best live music experience you’ve ever had?

I can’t say I’ve attended too many concerts or gigs, but I’d like to see Coldplay.

If you could have dinner with anyone from history, who would it be and why?

Marcus Aurelius (and a translator) - he was a great leader and wise philosopher.

What was the last show you binge-watched? 

Dopesick – a drama series that tells the compelling story of the how the opioid crisis in America originated and has affected the lives of millions today.

If there was an Olympics for everyday activities, what activity would you have a good chance at winning a medal in? 

Making the worst cup of coffee!

What’s happening now, that in 20 years people will look back on and laugh about?

BoJo, although he’s trying his best isn’t he.

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